Wednesday 29 April 2015

Less Pill Popping

I am popping fewer pills now and already I feel considerably better than I did, I have even had a few compliments saying how good I am looking.
My appetite seems to be improving, I am now thinking about what I want to eat instead of forgetting that I haven’t eaten if you see what I mean.
Because of my change of weight and not having so much stress in my life I obviously didn’t need as much medication, I found it a lot easier than I thought I would so that is a real bonus.
I am convinced that STRESS is the worst thing for those of us who have Parky waiting on the side line. When I am confronted with a stressful situation I just walk away from it, if I hurt someone’s feeling then that’s their problem not mine. It has taken me a long time to work that one out, I think it’s called self-preservation.

I have started playing bowls twice a week the type that gets you walking up and down the rink as you change ends, and I have found I really enjoy it. I have joined a camera club so there is no stopping me. I may even take my camera into the bowls club who knows I could then combine my hobbies.  

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